Industry 4.0 Work Design with the Future Work Lab
We bring the future to life. The Future Work Lab is an innovation lab geared towards work, people and technology. It pools our expertise in all aspects of digitalization and is designed to provide you as a manufacturing company with a place that you can come with any questions you might have about the digitalization of the industrial value chain. In the two hours of the virtual world tour you will be visiting the lab and see seventeen showcases along the value chain, that we build up in our research area. You will have the opportunity to follow our live-visitors Dr. Moritz Hämmerle, Head of the Future Work Lab and Simon Brugger from Festo AG & Co. KG along the innovative technology solutions and listen to interesting conversation along the way.
Interview partner such as Representative of the employees‘ union, employer association, companies and trainees are talking about the future of work, their very personal perspectives and their topics that will play an important role for employees and companies.
Session host and moderation:
Dr. Moritz Hämmerle, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO,
Managing Director Fraunhofer IAO
Head of Future Work Lab
Demonstration of uses cases in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Learning/Qualification, Assistence systems and Logistics and Production combined with expert discussions about the following topics:
Part 1: Demonstrated use cases in the field of Industrial Engineering. For the guest Simon Brugger begins a guided tour through selected use cases from the topic of industrial engineering. This will be followed by a discussion with Bastian Pokorni, team leader at the Fraunhofer IAO. In the conversation, it is discussed that work design is a major challenge in digititalization and how research and industry can work together to achieve the best possible results.
Discussion on the topic „work design as a major challenge in digititalization“
Part 2: Demonstrated Use cases in the field of Learning / Qualification. In the course of the tour, the topics of learning and qualification in the context of digitialization are considered. This will also be discussed with Dr. Menez and Mr. Kahnert, project leader and training consultant at IG Metall, who again emphasizes the importance of continuing qualification for shaping the working world of the future. In addition Mr. Al Najjar, Trainee IT specialist at U.I. Lapp GmbH will point out the requirements of new Generation workers. Furthermore there will be a discussion with Mr. Schweppe, Managing director of labor policy, at Südwestmetall for the topics of work organisation 4.In addition t0
Discussion on the topic „the importance of continuing qualification for shaping the working world of the future and work organisation 4.0“
Part 3: Demonstrated use cases in the field of assistence systems. Assistance systems, especially in the field of assembly play a major role in the future design of workstations in production. After demonstrating the existing solutions in the Lab, Horst Maywald from Elabo explains the benefits of working with the Fraunhofer and the Future Work Lab, as an excellent place to test and develop your own innovative products.
Discussion on the topic „benefits of working together with research Institutes to develop own products“
Part 4: Demonstrated use cases in the field of logistics and production. After the possibilities in the assembly, use cases from the field of logistics and production are shown. During the following interview with a trainee, it is said that future generations, no matter in which field of work, require attractive jobs and workplaces.
Discussion on the topic „job requirements in the future“
Tour Closing: Workplace of the future and review on the tour. At the end, we complete the tour at a workplace whose futuristic components are only realistic to implement in the next 10 years. Afterwards a short final discussion round finalises the session.
Key message:
An important success factor for the design of tomorrow’s working world is to make Industry 4.0 tangible for companies and employees. Only if the chances of the 4.0- technologies become clear to all stakeholders competitive processes and secure jobs will become reality.
Speakers / Panelists:
Simon Brugger (Festo)
Dr. Raphael Menez (IG Metall)
Daniel Kahnert (IG Metall)
Kai Schweppe (Südwestmetall)
Horst Maywald (Elabo)
Bastian Pokorni (Fraunhofer IAO)
Presenters of the Use Cases (Future Work Lab)
Maik Berthold, Erdem Gelec, Stefanie Findeisen, Benjamin Wingert, Walter Ganz, Florian Strieg, Sven Schuler, Jan Zwerina, Michael Reutter, Konstantin Rook, Michael Brück, Raphael Singer, Christian Jauch, Manuel Fechter, Fabian Böttinger, Benjamin Götz, Michael Luckert, Ravi Kanth Kosuru und Annabel Müller