Graphic Recording

Smart Farming & Agro 4.0

Every person on the planet consumes our products every day: food. Our business is giant. It has to be planned, managed and controlled in a professional way – with technology, innovation, automation and intelligence. We are AGRO: the agribusiness and the agroindustry. The modern AGRO requires advanced features for greater quality, productivity and variety. Today we will discuss the Future of Work in AGRO.

We want to prevent problems and seize opportunities for a better world. This event approaches the Future of Work from four perspectives: a cooperative, a small technology company, a research institute on agriculture and a large AGRO machinery and services company. These perspectives will be explored in short presentations. At the end, there will be a roundtable discussion and a session of Questions & Answers from the audience.

Session host and moderation:

Prof. Amaro dos Santos, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba


Presentations and Round Table with Q&A including the opportunity for the audience to take part in the discussion about topics and perspectives related to the Future of Work in the agribusiness and agroindustry such as:

  • Cooperativism (Alexandre Monteiro)

  • Drones and technology in agriculture (Ulf Bogdawa)

  • Research in agriculture (Ricardo Inamasu)

  • Labor relations in agriculture (Marco Milan)

Key message:

An important success factor for the design of tomorrow’s working world is still the human elements. Their natural preferences, needs and limitations must be properly considered in the development of new technologies.

Speakers / Panelists (Organization):

Alexandre Amorim Monteiro (Ocepar)

Ulf Bodgdawa (Skydrones)

Ricardo Inamasu (Embrapa)

Marco Milan (New Holland Agriculture)